Friday, February 26, 2010


Image details: Camera: Nikon D90, Exposure time @1/80sec, ISO @400, focal length @135mm, Aperture @f/5.6, Shutter speed priority

PS: This was shot during a visit to Sreevatsa, Sasoon hospital, pune.


Picture details: Camera: Nikon D40, Aperture@f/1.8, Exposure time @1/25sec, Focal length @75.0mm, ISO @400.

PS: It's always fun to capture Krish in different moods :-)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happy sleep..

It's been a very long time since i posted here. I shall start again with capture of my beloved friend's one of the happiest things to do...SLEEP. He does literally forget the world when he is involved in his trademark things... Hats off to his concentration..

Image details: Nikon-D40, 18-55 mm lens @ 46 mm, f5.3, 1/50 sec, ISO-400