Monday, April 27, 2009

Thinking of you...

"In this world of long-forgotten letters... In these days of key-boards and monitors... In these times of aimless thoughts... In these thoughts of those fond memories... I thought of remembering you... I thought of writing... I thought of writing your name... I thought of filling your name all over the page... I though of filling your name all over my heart..."

PS: This shot was captured while one of our friends was writing her loved one's name all over a paper, while there was a glow on her face, mixed with happiness, joy and warmth of love!


  1. hey guys, are you sure you took permission from her?? ;)

  2. Yes krish..she gave her permission. Otherwise we have to be more careful next time when we go for lunch to their house..!!

  3. Sravan ...did u write the wording there....
    if (yes)
    I am surprised;
    He is experienced ha ha ha ;

  4. No..Even i will be surprised if i would have get those words. But those words were written by the one who took the photo and i think he is experienced indeed..!! I'm just the typist for this post..!
